
Catron County, New Mexico has about 400 miles of paved road, and we're planning to walk every mile of it ... eventually ...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


We covered a lot of ground today, through a landscape that was as beautiful as it was empty - no trees, houses, windmills.... A little more than seven miles in a little over two hours, from about the 19 mile marker to about the 12 mile marker on highway 60. There was a small amount of giddiness, and then long periods of quiet determination. Ethel came and picked us up again - what would we do without her?


  • At 11:33 PM, Blogger Spike said…

    Yer really powering ahead now!

    Lovely photos too.

  • At 6:42 AM, Blogger Suzanne44 said…

    Yes! With less than 60 miles to go, I think it will only take about 7 or 8 more trips to get it all done.


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